Loras College Admission

Loras College Unofficial Transfer Equivalencies
for College of Lake County


ANT121          Intro to Anthropology              3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
ANT221          Cultural Anthropology              3.00       LGEAC-002    Cultural Traditions-AC                       3.00
ART121          Introduction to Art                3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
ART149          Digital Photography I              3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
ART226          Intro to Ceramics                  3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
BIO120          Environmental Biology              4.00       LGEAH-002    Humanity in Phys Univ-AH                     4.00
BUS119          Personal Finance                   3.00       L.BUS-354    Personal Finance                             3.00
BUS121          Intro to Business                  3.00       L.BUS-110    Introduction to Business                     3.00
BUS122          Principles of Marketing            3.00       L.BUS-240    Principles of Marketing                      3.00
BUS219          Small Business Management          3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
BUS221          Business Law I                     3.00       L.BUS-317    Business Law I                               3.00
BUS227          Principles of Marketing            3.00       L.BUS-240    Principles of Marketing                      3.00
CHM121          General Chemistry I                5.00       L.CHE-111    General Chemistry I                          4.00
CHM123          General Chemistry II               5.00       L.CHE-112    General Chemistry II                         4.00
CIT120          Introduction to Computers          3.00       L.CIT-110    Principles of Computing & IT                 3.00
CLC120          College Success Seminar            2.00                    Elective Credit                              2.00
CMM111          Communication Skills               3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
CMM121          Fundamentals of Speech             3.00       L.COM-110    Oral Comm as Critical Inquiry                3.00
CMM123          Dynamics of Small Group Disc       3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
CMM127          Intercultural Communication        3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
CRJ121          Intro to Criminal Justice          3.00       L.CRJ-120    Introduction to Criminal Justice             3.00
CRJ122          Introduction to Policing           3.00       L.CRJ-251    Intro to Policing                            3.00
CRJ123          Intro to Criminology               3.00       L.CRJ-252    Criminology                                  3.00
CRJ124          Introduction to Corrections        3.00       L.CRJ-253    Introduction to Corrections                  3.00
CRJ248          Psych. of the Criminal Mind        3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
ECO221          Principles of Macroeconomics       3.00       L.ECO-222    Prin of Macroeconomics-QR                    3.00
ECO222          Principles of Microeconomics       3.00       L.ECO-221    Prin of Microeconomics-QR                    3.00
EDU121          Intro to Teaching                  3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
EDU124          Child Development for Edu          3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
EGR121          Engineering Graphics               3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
ENG121          Englsih Composition I              3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
ENG122          English Composition II             3.00       L.ENG-105    College Writing-WC                           3.00
ENG222          Creative Writing                   3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
ENG249          Children's Literature              3.00       L.EDU-230    Children & Young Adult Lit-AA                3.00
ESC120          Earth Science                      4.00       FEVES-002    Scientific Inq&Innovation-ES                 4.00
ESC127          Intro to Meteorology W/Lab         4.00                    Elective Credit                              4.00
GEG121          Physical Geography                 3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
HST121          Hist of West Civ to 1500           3.00       L.HIS-140    Europe To 1750                               3.00
HST122          Hist of Western Civ From 1500      3.00       L.HIS-141    Modern Europe Since 1750                     3.00
HST127          Chinese Culture & Society          3.00       L.HIS-277    Modern Chinese History & Culture-AC          3.00
HST222          Us Hist 1876 to Present            3.00       L.HIS-122    United States Since 1865                     3.00
HUM123          Intro to Film                      3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
HUM129          Intro to East Asian Civ            3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
HUM222          Film & Society                     3.00       LGEAA-002    Aesthetic Dimension-AA                       3.00
HUM226          Women and the Arts                 3.00       LGEAI-002    Identity & Community-AI                      3.00
HUS121          Health and Nutrition               3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
HWP240          Contemporary Health Issues         3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
KIN221          Intro to Physcial Education        3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
KIN243          Theory & Practice of Fitness       2.00                    Elective Credit                              2.00
MTH102          Basic Algebra                      4.00                    Elective Credit                              4.00
MTH106          Intermediate Algebra               4.00       L.MAT-091    Intermediate Algebra                         4.00
MTH122          College Algebra                    4.00       L.MAT-113    College Algebra-FM                           3.00
MTH140          Contemporary Mathematics           3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
MTH141          Quantitative Literacy              3.00       FEVQR-02     Quantitative Reasoning-QR                    3.00
MTH144          Precalculus                        5.00       L.MAT-117    Pre-Calculus-FM                              4.00
MTH222          Elementary Statistics              4.00       L.MAT-115    Statistics-QR                                4.00
MUS124          Intro to Music                     3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
PDS120          Successful College Student         1.00                    Elective Credit                              1.00
PED220          Phys Edu/Elementary School         3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
PHI121          Intro to Philosophy                3.00       L.PHI-110    Intro to Philosophy-EI                       3.00
PHI123          Philosophy of Religion             3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
PHI125          Intro to Ethics                    3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
PHI126          World Religions                    3.00       L.RST-201    World Religions                              3.00
PHI221          Asian Philosophy                   3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
PHY121          General Physics I                  4.00       L.PHY-210    Elements Physics I-QR                        4.00
PHY122          General Physics II                 5.00       L.PHY-211    Elements Physics II                          4.00
PSC122          State & Local Politics             3.00       L.POL-204    State & Local Politics                       3.00
PSY121          Introduction to Psychology         3.00       L.PSY-101    Introductory Psychology                      3.00
PSY122          Industrial/Organizational Psy      3.00       L.PSY-242    Industrial-Organizational Behavior           3.00
PSY222          Child Growth & Dev                 3.00       L.PSY-121    Developmental Psychology                     3.00
PSY223          Abnormal Psychology                3.00       L.PSY-221    Abnormal Psychology                          3.00
PSY224          Theories of Personality            3.00       L.PSY-225    Personality-AI                               3.00
PSY225          Social Psychology                  3.00       LGEAI-004    Identity & Community-AI                      0.00
                                                                           Elective Credit                              3.00
SOC121          Introduction to Sociology          3.00       L.SOC-115    Intro to Sociology-EI                        3.00
SOC222          Social Problems                    3.00       L.SOC-216    Social Problems                              3.00
SOC224          Sociology of Family                3.00       L.SOC-227    Sociology of Family                          3.00
SOC229          Sex, Gender and Power              3.00       L.SOC-240    Gender and Society                           3.00
SPA121          Beginning Conv Spanish I           4.00                    Elective Credit                              4.00
SPA221          Intermediate Spanish I             4.00       L.SPA-210    Intermediate Spanish I                       3.00
SPA222          Intermediate Spanish II            4.00       L.SPA-220    Intermediate Spanish II                      3.00
THE121          Introduction to Theatre I          3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00


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