Loras College Admission

Loras College Unofficial Transfer Equivalencies
for McHenry County College


ACC151          Financial Acctg                    3.00       L.ACC-228    Financial Accounting                         3.00
ACC152          Managemnt Acctg                    3.00       L.ACC-227    Managerial Accounting                        3.00
ANT151          Introduction to Anthropology       3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
ART172          Art History II                     3.00       FEVEC-002    Creativity,Aesth.&Design-EC                  3.00
BIO110          Intro to Human Biology             4.00                    Elective Credit                              4.00
BIO130          Environmental Field Biology        4.00                    Elective Credit                              4.00
BIO138          Heredity, Ethics & Society         3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
BIO157          Fundamentals of Biology            4.00       L.BIO-115    Principles of Biology I-ES                   4.00
BUS150          Intro Business                     3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
BUS155          Bus Communication                  3.00       L.COM-330    Business Speaking and Writing                0.00
                                                                           Elective Credit                              3.00
BUS241          Legal Environment of Business      3.00       L.BUS-317    Business Law I                               0.00
                                                                           Elective Credit                              3.00
CDM110          Computer Literacy for Windows      3.00       L.CIT-110    Principles of Computing & IT                 3.00
CHM164          Intro to Chemistry                 4.00                    Elective Credit                              4.00
CHM165          General Chemistry                  5.00       L.CHE-111    General Chemistry I                          4.00
CJS101          Intro Crim Just                    3.00       L.CRJ-120    Introduction to Criminal Justice             3.00
EAS185          Natural Hazards and Disasters      3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
ECE115          Early Childhood Educ               3.00       L.EDU-222    Foundations of Early Childhood Education     3.00
ECE120          Child Growth & Development         3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
ECE214          Early Childhood Art Activities     3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
ECO251          Microeconomics                     3.00       L.ECO-221    Prin of Microeconomics-QR                    3.00
ECO252          Macroeconomics                     3.00       L.ECO-222    Prin of Macroeconomics-QR                    3.00
EDU252          Children's Literature              3.00       L.EDU-230    Children's Literature                        3.00
EDU253          Children With Exceptionalities     3.00       L.EDU-241    Intro Exceptionality Pre K-12                3.00
ENG151          Comp I                             3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
ENG152          Composition II                     3.00       L.ENG-105    College Writing-WC                           3.00
GEG220          The Global Environment             3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
GEL105          Intro to Physcial Geology          4.00       LGEAH-002    Humanity in Phys Univ-AH                     4.00
GER151          Elementary German I                4.00                    Elective Credit                              4.00
HFE120          Physical Fitness                   1.00       L.KIN-050    Personal Fitness                             1.00
HFE171          Exercise Science I                 3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
HIS131          Western Civ I                      3.00       L.HIS-140    Europe To 1750                               3.00
HIS141          Women's History                    3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
HIS170          United States History I            3.00       L.HIS-121    United States History to 1877                3.00
HIS172          United States Histroy II           3.00       L.HIS-122    United States Since 1865                     3.00
HRT100          Intro to Horticulture              3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
HUM250          Leadership Development             3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
IBS115          International Business             3.00       L.BUS-370    International Business                       0.00
                                                                           Elective Credit                              3.00
JRN152          Intro to Mass Communication        3.00       L.COM-131    Intro Mass Communication                     3.00
JRN180          Intro to Film                      3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
MAT120          General Education Statistics       3.00       L.MAT-115    Statistics-QR                                3.00
MAT161          College Algebra                    3.00       L.MAT-113    College Algebra-FM                           3.00
MAT165          College Algebra                    5.00       LGEFM-002    Foundational Mathematics-FM                  3.00
MAT171          Calc for Business and Soc Sci      4.00                    Elective Credit                              4.00
MAT175          Calc W/ Analytic Geometry I        5.00       L.MAT-150    Calc of One Variable I-FM                    4.00
MAT201          Math Foundations - Elem Educ I     3.00       L.MAT-110    Math for Elem Teachers I                     3.00
MAT202          Math Founations - Elem Educ II     3.00       L.MAT-111    Math for Elem Teachers II-FM                 3.00
MAT220          Statistics                         3.00       L.MAT-115    Statistics-QR                                4.00
MAT245          Calc W/ Analytic Geometry II       5.00       L.MAT-160    Calc of One Variable II                      4.00
MAT255          Calc W/ Analytic Geometry III      3.00       L.MAT-260    Multivariable Calculus                       3.00
MCC101          The College Experience             1.00                    Elective Credit                              1.00
MGT150          Principles of Management           3.00       L.BUS-230    Principles of Management                     3.00
MKT110          Prin of Marketing                  3.00       L.BUS-240    Principles of Marketing                      3.00
MUS100          Chorus                             1.00       L.MUS-183    Loras Concert Choir                          1.00
MUS151          Music Appreciation                 3.00       L.MUS-252    Music Appreciation-AA                        3.00
MUS172          Music History II                   3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
PHI151          Intro Phil                         3.00       L.PHI-110    Intro to Philosophy-EI                       3.00
PHI160          Eastern Philosophy                 3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
PHI251          Intro to Ethics                    3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
PHI261          World Religions                    3.00       L.REL-210    World Religions: An Introduction             3.00
PLT151          United States Government           3.00       L.POL-101    Issue American Politics-EI                   3.00
PLT251          International Relations            3.00       L.POL-221    International Politics                       3.00
PLT255          Comparative Government             3.00       L.POL-211    Comparative Politics                         3.00
PSY151          Intro to Psychology                3.00       L.PSY-101    Introductory Psychology                      3.00
PSY250          Human Development                  3.00       L.PSY-121    Developmental Psychology                     3.00
PSY251          Child Psychology                   3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
PSY265          Social Psychology                  3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
PSY275          Abnormal Psychology                3.00       L.PSY-221    Abnormal Psychology                          3.00
PSY280          Theories of Personality            3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
SOC101          Marriage & Family                  3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
SOC151          Intro to Sociology                 3.00       L.SOC-115    Intro to Sociology-EI                        3.00
SOC175          Sociology of Families              3.00       L.SOC-227    Sociology of Family                          3.00
SOC260          Sociology of Race & Ethnicity      3.00       L.SOC-254    Race and Ethnicity-AC                        3.00
SPA151          Elementary Spanish I               4.00                    Elective Credit                              4.00
SPA152          Elementary Spanish II              4.00                    Elective Credit                              4.00
SPA251          Intermediate Spanish I             4.00       L.SPA-210    Intermediate Spanish I                       3.00
SPA252          Intermediate Spanish II            4.00       L.SPA-220    Intermediate Spanish II                      3.00
SPE151          Introduction to Speech             3.00       L.COM-110    Oral Comm as Critical Inquiry                3.00
SPE155          Interpersonal Communication        3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
SPE161          Small Group Communication          3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
THE151          Intro to Theatre                   3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
THE157          Acting I-Preparation               3.00       L.COM-121    Acting-EC                                    3.00
THE158          Acting Ii-The Actor At Work        3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
WEB105          Web Fundamentals                   3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00


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