Loras College Unofficial Transfer Equivalencies
for Moraine Valley Community College
MORAINE VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE COURSE & CREDITS LORAS COLLEGE COURSE & CREDITS AET101 Orientation to AET Careers 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 ANT201 Intro to Physical Anthropology 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 ART205 Survey of Art I 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 BIO111 General Biology I 4.00 L.BIO-115 Principles of Biology I-ES 4.00 BIO112 General Biology II 4.00 L.BIO-116 Principles of Biology II 4.00 BIO119 Introductory Microbiology 4.00 L.BIO-220 Microbiology 4.00 BIO180 Human Anatomy & Phys I 4.00 L.BIO-225 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 4.00 BIO181 Human Anatomy & Phys II 4.00 L.BIO-226 Human Anatomy & Physiology II 4.00 BIO182 Human Anatomy Lab 2.00 Elective Credit 2.00 BUS100 Intro to Business 3.00 L.BUS-110 Introduction to Business 3.00 BUS130 Principles of Marketing 3.00 L.BUS-240 Principles of Marketing 3.00 BUS135 Personal Finance 2.00 L.BUS-354 Personal Finance 3.00 BUS136 Business Law 3.00 L.BUS-317 Business Law I 3.00 BUS142 Financial Accounting 4.00 L.ACC-228 Financial Accounting 3.00 BUS143 Managerial Accounting 4.00 L.ACC-227 Managerial Accounting 3.00 BUS170 Intro to Human Resources 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 BUS231 Principles of Management 3.00 L.BUS-230 Principles of Management 3.00 CHM111 Fund of Chemistry 4.00 Elective Credit 4.00 CHM131 Chemistry I 4.00 L.CHE-111 General Chemistry I 4.00 CHM132 Chemistry II 4.00 L.CHE-112 General Chemistry II 4.00 L.CHE-112L Gen Chemistry II Lab 0.00 CHM200 Survey of Organic Chemistry 5.00 Elective Credit 5.00 COL101 College:Chngs,Challngs,Choice 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 COM085 Sentence & Paragraph Writing 0.00 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 COM101 Compositon I 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 COM102 Compostion II 3.00 L.ENG-105 College Writing-WC 3.00 COM103 Speech Fundamentals 3.00 L.COM-110 Oral Comm as Critical Inquiry 3.00 COM111 Technical Communications I 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 COM112 Technical Communications II 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 COM201 Business & Technical Writing 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 COM203 Interpersonal Communication 3.00 L.COM-255 Interpersonal Communication-AI 3.00 CRJ207 Procedural Criminal Law 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 CSC140 Intro to Computer Science 3.00 L.CIT-115 Introduction to Programming 3.00 EAS120 Introduction to Earth Science 4.00 Elective Credit 4.00 EAS130 Severe & Hazardous Weather 4.00 Elective Credit 4.00 ECO101 Prin of Macroeconomics 3.00 L.ECO-222 Prin of Macroeconomics-QR 3.00 ECO102 Principles of Micro-Economics 3.00 L.ECO-221 Prin of Microeconomics-QR 3.00 EDU100 Introduction to Education 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 EDU111 Intro to the Exceptional Child 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 EMS101 Emergency Medical Tech 8.00 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 GEL150 Physical Geology 4.00 LGEAH-002 Humanity in Phys Univ-AH 3.00 GEO101 Cultural Geography 3.00 LGEAC-002 Cultural Traditions-AC 0.00 Elective Credit 3.00 HDV111 Career Planning 2.00 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 HIS101 Western Civ I 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 HIS105 The World Since 1945 3.00 L.HIS-455 US History Since 1945 3.00 HIS201 American History I 3.00 L.HIS-121 United States History to 1877 3.00 HIS202 American History II 3.00 L.HIS-122 United States Since 1865 3.00 HUM101 West Humanities I 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 HUM115 World Mythology 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 HUM120 Women in the Humanities 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 IMS101 Intro to Computer Systems 3.00 L.CIT-110 Computing & Info Tech Basics 3.00 IMS115 Intro to PC Applications 3.00 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 IMS215 Advanced PC Applications 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 LAN101 Orientation to IT Professiona 1.00 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 LAN112 Managing IT 3.00 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 LAN122 Network Services 4.00 Elective Credit 4.00 LAN246 Routing and Switching 3.00 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 LAN256 LAN Design 3.00 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 LAN266 WAN Design 3.00 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 LIT213 American Literature I 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 LIT214 American Literature II 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 LIT218 Introduction to Drama 3.00 L.ENG-233 Drama-AA 3.00 LIT227 Literature As Film 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 MDT101 Introduction to Drafting 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 MDT145 Intro to Comp Aided Drftg 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 MRT110 Medical Terminology 3.00 L.ATR-250 Medical Term. & Pharmacology 1.00 MTH095 Beginning Algebra 0.00 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 MTH098 Intermediate Algebra 0.00 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 MTH120 General Education Math 3.00 FEVQR-02 Quantitative Reasoning-QR 3.00 MTH139 Probability and Statistics 4.00 L.MAT-115 Statistics-QR 4.00 MTH141 College Algebra 4.00 Elective Credit 4.00 MTH145 Calc for Business & Soc Sci 4.00 Elective Credit 4.00 MTH152 Calculus III/Analytic Geomtry 4.00 L.MAT-260 Multivariable Calculus 4.00 MTH215 Discrete Mathematics 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 MUS106 Introduction to American Music 3.00 LGEAC-002 Cultural Traditions-AC 3.00 NAT111 Environmental Science I 4.00 LGEAH-002 Humanity in Phys Univ-AH 4.00 PEH105 Physical Fitness 1.00 L.KIN-050 Personal Fitness 1.00 PEH131 Volleyball 1.00 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 PEH154 Team Sports 2.00 L.KIN-074 Team Sports I 1.00 PEH160 Fundamentals of Human Movement 3.00 L.KIN-232 Biomechanics & Kinesiology 3.00 PEH171 A Healthy Lifestyle and You 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 PEH172 Nutrition for Today 3.00 L.KIN-145 Nutrition 3.00 PHI101 Introduction to Philosophy 3.00 L.PHI-110 Intro to Philosophy-EI 3.00 PHI111 Critical Thinking 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 PHI120 World Religions 3.00 L.REL-210 World Religions: An Introduction 3.00 PHS101 Physical Science 4.00 Elective Credit 4.00 PHS103 Descriptive Astronomy 4.00 Elective Credit 4.00 PHY106 Fundamentals of Physics 3.00 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 PHY107 Fundamentals of Physics Lab 1.00 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 PHY150 Mechanics, Heat & Sound 4.00 L.PHY-210 Elements Physics I-QR 4.00 PHY151 Electricity, Magnetism & Light 3.00 L.PHY-211 Elements Physics II 3.00 PSC110 American National Government 3.00 L.POL-101 Issue American Politics-EI 3.00 PSC115 State and Local Government 3.00 L.POL-204 State & Local Politics 3.00 PSC210 International Relations 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 PSC215 Comparative Governments 3.00 L.POL-121 Issues in Global Politics-EI 3.00 PSC225 Non-Western Comp Politics 3.00 L.POL-211 Comparative Politics 3.00 PSY101 Intro to Psychology 3.00 L.PSY-101 Introductory Psychology 3.00 PSY104 Life Span Development 3.00 L.PSY-121 Lifespan Development 3.00 PSY105 Child Psychology 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 PSY212 Theories of Personality 3.00 L.PSY-225 Personality-AI 3.00 RTM101 Intro to Hospilaltiy Industry 3.00 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 SOC101 General Sociology 3.00 L.SOC-115 Intro to Sociology-EI 3.00 SOC102 Marriage & Family 3.00 L.SOC-227 Sociology of Family 3.00 SOC215 Sociology of Sex and Gender 3.00 L.SOC-240 Gender and Society 3.00 SPA201 Spanish III 4.00 L.SPA-210 Intermediate Spanish I 3.00 SWK101 Intro to Social Work 3.00 L.SCW-130 Introduction to Social Welfare 3.00 THE105 Theatre Appreciation 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 THE107 Film Appreciation 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00
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