Loras College Unofficial Transfer Equivalencies
for University of Northern Iowa
UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA COURSE & CREDITS LORAS COLLEGE COURSE & CREDITS 120030 Prin of Financial Acctng 3.00 L.ACC-228 Financial Accounting 3.00 150080 Intro to Informtn Systems 3.00 L.CIT-110 Computing & Info Tech Basics 3.00 150100 Legal & Soc Environ of Busines 3.00 L.BUS-317 Business Law I 3.00 200118G Mental Health in the Classroom 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 240020 Sec. Educ Tech & Design 2.00 Elective Credit 2.00 31F010 Human Identity & Relationships 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 31F030 Research Methods in Family Sci 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 400001 Intro to Psychology 3.00 L.PSY-101 Introductory Psychology 3.00 410144 Health Education Curriculum 2.00 Elective Credit 2.00 410153 Public Health Theory & Applica 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 410153G Publc Hlth Thry App 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 410164 Health Care & the Consumer 2.00 Elective Credit 2.00 410164G Hlth Care & The Consumer 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 410167 Cultural Compet for Help Prof 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 420050 Anatomy & Phys Humn Movmnt 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 420056 Intro to Motor Behavior 3.00 L.KIN-330 Motor Learning 3.00 420061 Water Safety Instruction 2.00 Elective Credit 2.00 420107 Soccer Theory 2.00 Elective Credit 2.00 420121 Soc/Psych of Phys Activity 2.00 Elective Credit 2.00 420162 Found. of Human Mvmnt Study 2.00 Elective Credit 2.00 420A47 Fitness for Wght Mngmnt 1.00 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 42T018 Care & Prev of Athletic Inj 2.00 L.ATR-130 Prevention of Athletic Injuries 3.00 42T019 Care & Prev Lab 1.00 450143 Stress & Stress Mgmt in Helpin 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 48C001 Oral Communication 3.00 L.LIB-110 Public Speaking-FS 3.00 48C002 Intro to Communication 1.00 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 48C031 Group Communication Skills 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 490015 Stagecraft Scenery/Lights 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 490024 Acting 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 490050 Theatre Practicum 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 490060 History of Theatre I 3.00 L.COM-250 Western Theatre-AA 3.00 520010 Soundscape: Music in Culture 3.00 L.MUS-100 Soundscapes 3.00 520020 Our Musical Heritage 3.00 LGEAA-004 Aesthetic Dimension-AA 0.00 Elective Credit 3.00 530010 Chorus UNI Singers 1.00 L.MUS-183 Loras Concert Choir 1.00 540047 Group Piano I 1.00 L.MUS-121 Applied Piano 1.00 540049 Voice 2.00 L.MUS-110 Applied Voice 2.00 580011 Theory I 2.00 L.MUS-101 Music Theory I-EC 3.00 580015 Aural Training I 1.00 600004 Visual Perceptions 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 620005 College Reading and Writing 3.00 L.LIB-105 College Writing-FW 3.00 620015 Exposition & Report Writing 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 620031 Intro to Literature 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 620034 Critical Writing About Lit 3.00 L.ENG-111 Critical Writing-FW 3.00 620071 Beg Fiction Writing 3.00 LGEAA-004 Aesthetic Dimension-AA 0.00 Elective Credit 3.00 630130G Structure of English 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 650021 Philosophy: Art of Thinking 3.00 L.PHI-110 Intro to Philosophy-EI 3.00 680021 Humanities I 4.00 Elective Credit 4.00 680022 Humanities II 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 680121 Russia/Soviet Union 3.00 L.HIS-249 Russian Civilization-AC 3.00 680125 India 3.00 LGEAC-004 Cultural Traditions-AC 3.00 720001 Elementary French I 5.00 Elective Credit 5.00 780055 Oral & Written Spanish 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 800023 Math for Decision Making 3.00 FEVQR-004 Quantitative Reasoning-QR 3.00 800024 Math for Decision Making 3.00 L.LIB-112 Patterns & Perspectives-EC 3.00 800031 Math Reasoning for Tch I 3.00 L.MAT-110 Math for Elem Teachers I 3.00 800046 Elementary Analysis 4.00 L.MAT-117 Pre-Calculus-FM 4.00 820032 Inquiry Into Life Science 4.00 Elective Credit 4.00 840014 Life Continuity & Change 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 840014 Life: Continuity & Change 3.00 Elective Credit 4.00 840015 Life: Continuity & Change Lab 1.00 840051 General Bio I 4.00 L.BIO-116 Principles of Biology II 4.00 840052 General Bio II 4.00 L.BIO-115 Principles of Biology I-ES 4.00 860044 General Chemistry I 4.00 L.CHE-111 General Chemistry I 4.00 860061 Applied General Chemistry 4.00 Elective Credit 4.00 870021 Elements of Weather 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 880012 Physics in Everyday Life 3.00 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 880054 College Physics I (+ Lab) 4.00 L.PHY-210 Elements Physics I-QR 4.00 880056 College Physics II (+ Lab) 4.00 L.PHY-211 Elements Physics II 4.00 900023 American Civilization 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 920020 Intro Decision Techniques 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 920053 Prin of Macroeconomics 3.00 L.ECO-222 Prin of Macroeconomics-QR 3.00 920070 Business Statistics 3.00 L.BUS-250 Business Statistics 3.00 961014 U.S. History From 1929-1960 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 961015 US History Since 1877 3.00 L.HIS-122 United States Since 1865 3.00 961131G US History From 1929-1960 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 980001 Intro to Sociology 3.00 L.SOC-115 Intro to Sociology-EI 3.00 980025 Criminology 3.00 L.CRJ-252 Criminology 3.00 ACCT2120 Principles Financial Accountin 3.00 L.ACC-228 Financial Accounting 3.00 ANC Attended-No Credit 0.00 Elective Credit 0.00 ANTH1001 Human Origins 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 ANTH1002 Culture Nature & Society 3.00 LGEAC-004 Cultural Traditions-AC Elective Credit 3.00 ARTHIST1004 Visual Perceptions 3.00 LGEAA-004 Aesthetic Dimension-AA 3.00 AT1018 Prevention & Care Ath Inj 2.00 L.ATR-130 Prevention of Athletic Injuries 3.00 AT3020 Clinical & Gross Human Anatomy 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 BIO2051 Gen Bio: Organism Diversity 4.00 L.BIO-116 Principles of Biology II 4.00 BIOL1012 Life: the Natural World 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 BIOL1012 Life: the Natural World 3.00 LGEAH-004 Humanity in Phys Univ-AH 0.00 BIOL1013 Life: the Natural World Lab 1.00 Elective Credit 4.00 BIOL1014 Life: Continuity and Change 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 BIOL2051 General Biology: Organizm Div 4.00 L.BIO-115 Principles of Biology I-ES 3.00 L.BIO-115L Principles of Biology I Lab 1.00 BIOL2052 Gen Bio Cell Structure & Funct 4.00 L.BIO-115 Principles of Biology I-ES 4.00 BIOL3101 Anatomy & Physiology I 4.00 L.BIO-225 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 4.00 L.BIO-225L Human Anatomy & Phys. I Lab 0.00 CAP3140 Environment, Tech and Society 2.00 Elective Credit 2.00 CHEM1010 Principles of Chemistry 4.00 Elective Credit 4.00 CHEM1110 General Chemistry I 4.00 L.CHE-111 General Chemistry I 4.00 COMM1000 Oral Communication 3.00 L.LIB-110 Public Speaking-FS 3.00 COMM1205 Group Communication Skills 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 COMM156 Leadership: Skills & Styles 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 COMM1650 Digital Media Seminar 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 COMM1651 Digital Media Production I 3.00 L.COM-158 Intro to Television Production-EC 3.00 COMM1652 Writing for Digital Media 3.00 L.COM-225 Media Writing 3.00 COMM2011 Intro to Communcation 1.00 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 COMM2155 Organizational Communication 3.00 L.COM-204 Organizational Communication 3.00 COMM2255 Public Speaking 3.00 L.LIB-110 Public Speaking-FS 3.00 COMM2344 Interpersonal Communication 3.00 L.COM-255 Interpersonal Communication-AI 3.00 COMM2651 Digital Media Production II 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 COMM3950 Advanced Applied Digital Media 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 COMM4447 Performance and Social Change 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 COMMCOR1010 Mass Communication and Society 3.00 L.COM-131 Intro Mass Communication 3.00 COMMCOR2020 Communication Research Methods 3.00 L.COM-485 Communication Research 3.00 COMMCOR4124 Communication Theories 3.00 L.COM-190 Communication Theory 3.00 COMMDM1620 Fundamentals of Journalism 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 COMMDM2653 News Writing for Media 3.00 L.COM-225 Media Writing 3.00 COMMJ1755 Reporting Methodolgy & Sources 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 COMMJ2755 News Writing for Print Media 3.00 L.COM-225 Media Writing 3.00 COMMJ4743 Mass Comm Law and Ethics 3.00 L.COM-393 Communication Law 3.00 COMMPR1811 Principles of Public Relations 3.00 L.COM-201 Strategic Communication 3.00 COMMPR4855 PR Campaign Methods 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 CS1025 Computational Modeling and Sim 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 EARTHSCI1100 Astronomy 3.00 L.PHY-208 Astronomy-AH 4.00 EARTHSCI1110 Astronomy Lab 1.00 EARTHSCI1200 Elements of Weather 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 EARTHSCI1300 Intro to Geology 4.00 LGEAH-004 Humanity in Phys Univ-AH 4.00 ECON1041 Prin of Macroeconomics 3.00 L.ECO-222 Prin of Macroeconomics-QR 3.00 ECON1051 Prin of Microeconomics 3.00 L.ECO-221 Prin of Microeconomics-QR 3.00 EDPSYCH2017 Expoloring Teaching 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 EDPSYCH2030 Dynamics of Human Devlopment 3.00 L.PSY-121 Developmental Psychology 3.00 EDPSYCH3128 Teacher As Change Agent 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 EDPSYCH3148 Lrng / Instr Classroom Context 3.00 L.EDU-221 Learning Environment and Collaborations 2.00 ELEMECML4123 Visual & Performing Arts 3.00 L.EDU-233 C/I in Performing Arts: Integrated 1.00 L.EDU-234 C/I in Visual Arts: Integrated 1.00 ELEMECML4150 Elementary Curriculum 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 ENGLISH1005 College Writing and Research 3.00 L.LIB-105 College Writing-FW 3.00 ENGLISH1120 Intro to Literature 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 FAMSERV1055 Human Growth & Development 3.00 L.PSY-121 Lifespan Development 3.00 FIN1040 Financial Skills - Smart Livin 3.00 L.BUS-354 Personal Finance 3.00 GEOG1110 World Geography 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 GEOG1120 Human Geography 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 GEOG2210 Recent Climate Change 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 HISNW4180 Modern Chinese History 3.00 L.HIS-277 Modern Chinese History & Culture-AC 3.00 HISNW4840 Modern South Asia 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 HISNW4860 Modern Chinese History 3.00 L.HIS-277 Modern Chinese History & Culture-AC 3.00 HIST1010 Intro to Study of History 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 HIST1011 Field Exp: Public History 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 HIST1120 US History Since 1877 3.00 L.HIS-122 United States Since 1865 3.00 HISUS1110 Us History to 1877 3.00 L.HIS-121 United States History to 1877 3.00 HISUS1120 US History Since 1877 3.00 L.HIS-122 United States Since 1865 3.00 HISUS4150 Modern Amer.: US 1877-1929 3.00 L.HIS-439 Creation of Modern America 3.00 HISUS4180 Recent US History 3.00 L.HIS-455 US History Since 1945 3.00 HPE1101 Intro to Community Health 2.00 Elective Credit 2.00 HPELS1010 Personal Wellness 3.00 L.KIN-210 Concepts of Wellness 3.00 HPELS1020 Wellness/Insights/Issues 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 HPELS1030 Dimensions of Wellbeing Lab 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 HUM1021 Humanities I 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 HUM1022 Humanities II 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 HUM1023 Humanities III 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 HUM3121 Russia/Soviet Union 3.00 L.HIS-249 Russian Civilization-AC 3.00 HUM3122 Japan 3.00 L.HIS-272 Japan in the Modern World-AI 3.00 HUM3123 Latin America 3.00 L.HIS-155 Introduction to Latin American History 3.00 HUM3124 China 3.00 LGEAC-004 Cultural Traditions-AC Elective Credit 3.00 HUM3125 India 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 HUM3128 Africa 3.00 LGEAC-004 Cultural Traditions-AC 3.00 INSTTECH1031 Educational Tech & Design 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 KAHHS1020 Dimensions of Wellbeing Lect 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 KAHHS1030 Dimensions of Wellbeing Lab 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 KAHHS2045 Health & PE for Elem Teachers 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 LITED1044 Children Literature 3.00 L.EDU-230 Literature for Children & Yng Adults-EC 3.00 LYHS2010 Intro Leisure Youth & Hmn Serv 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 LYHS2020 Intro Leisure Youth & Hmn Serv 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 LYHS2551 Principle Outdoor Recreation 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 LYHS3060 Prog for Youth and Human Serv 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 LYHS3338 Planning Nonprofit and Youth 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 LYHS4552 Theory and Practice of Exp Ed 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 MATH0100 Intermediate Algebra 3.00 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 MATH1100 Math for Decision Making 3.00 FEVQR-004 Quantitative Reasoning-QR 3.00 MATH1140 Precalculus 4.00 L.MAT-117 Pre-Calculus-FM 4.00 MATH1204 Math for Elem Eachers I 3.00 L.MAT-110 CBL:Math for K-8 Teachers I 4.00 MATH1421 Calculus II 4.00 L.MAT-160 Calc of One Variable II 4.00 MATH2204 Math Reasoning Elem Teach II 3.00 L.MAT-111 Math for K-8 Teachers II-QR 4.00 MEASRES3150 Classroom Assesment 2.00 Elective Credit 2.00 MEASURES3150 Classroom Assessment 2.00 Elective Credit 2.00 MUSENS1100 Womens Chorus 1.00 L.MUS-185 Bella Voce 1.00 MUSIC1100 Soudscape: Music in Culture 3.00 LGEAA-004 Aesthetic Dimension-AA 3.00 NUTR1030 Basic Nutrition 2.00 L.KIN-145 Nutrition 3.00 PEMES2050 Anat % Phys Human Movement 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 PEMES2053 Phy Act/Nutrition/Fitness 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 PEMES2056 Intro to Motor Behavior 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 PEMES3113 Advanced Coaching of Wrestling 2.00 Elective Credit 2.00 PEMES3163 Career & Prof Development 2.00 Elective Credit 2.00 PEMES4217 Organization of Comp Sports 2.00 Elective Credit 2.00 PHIL1020 Philosophy: Art of Thinking 3.00 L.PHI-110 Intro to Philosophy-EI 3.00 PHYSICS1000 Physics in Everyday Life 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 POLCOMP1040 Comparative Politics 3.00 L.POL-211 Comparative Politics 3.00 POLINTL1024 International Relations 3.00 L.POL-221 International Politics 3.00 POSTSEC1055 Strategic Academic Sussess 2.00 Elective Credit 2.00 PSYC1001 Intro to Psychology 3.00 L.PSY-101 Introductory Psychology 3.00 PSYCH1001 Intro to Psychology 3.00 L.PSY-101 Introductory Psychology 3.00 PSYCH2202 Developmental Psychology 3.00 L.PSY-121 Developmental Psychology 3.00 RELS1020 Religions of the World 3.00 L.REL-210 World Religions: An Introduction 3.00 SCIED1300 Inquiry Into Physical Science 4.00 Elective Credit 4.00 SOC1000 Intro to Sociology 3.00 L.SOC-115 Intro to Sociology-EI 3.00 SOCFOUND3119 Schools of American Society 3.00 L.SOC-330 CBL:Sociology of Education 3.00 SPAN3001 Advanced Writing 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 SPAN3004 Intro to Hispanic Literature 3.00 L.SPA-280 Critical Analysis-EC 3.00 SPED3150 Meet Needs of Diverse Learner 2.00 L.EDU-205 Foundations of Inclusive Education 3.00 STAT1772 Statistical Methods 3.00 L.MAT-115 Statistics-QR 4.00 SW1001 Intro to Social Work 3.00 L.SCW-130 Introduction to Social Welfare 3.00 SW1041 Social Welfare: World View 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 SW2045 America Racial/Ethnic Minority 3.00 L.SOC-254 Race and Ethnicity-AC 3.00 TEACHING2017 Level 1 Field Experience 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 TEACHING3128 Level 2 Field Experience 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 TECH1006 PLTW Intro to Engineering 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 TECH3010 PLTW Principles of Engineerin 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 THEATRE1002 Theatrical Arts & Society 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 UNIV1000 First-Year Cornerstone I 3.00 L.LIB-105 College Writing-FW 3.00 UNIV1010 First Year Cornerstone II 3.00 L.LIB-110 Public Speaking-FS 3.00 UNIV1055 Strat for Academic Success 2.00 Elective Credit 2.00 UNIV1059 First Year Cornerstone 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 UNIV3186 Peer Mentoring 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00
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