Loras College Unofficial Transfer Equivalencies
for Iowa State University
IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY COURSE & CREDITS LORAS COLLEGE COURSE & CREDITS ACCT284 Financial Accounting 3.00 L.ACC-228 Financial Accounting 3.00 ACCT285 Managerial Accounting 3.00 L.ACC-227 Managerial Accounting 3.00 AERE160 Aerospac Eng Problm 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 AERE161 Num & Graphc & Lab Tcnq 4.00 Elective Credit 4.00 AFAM201 Intro to African American Stud 3.00 FEVEC-004 Creativity,Aesth.&Design-EC 3.00 AGRON114 Princip of Agronomy 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 AGRON120 Intro to Renewable Resources 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 AGRON206 Intro Weather & Climate 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 ANS214 Domestic Animal Physiology 3.00 Elective Credit 4.00 ANS214L Domestic Animal Physiology Lab 1.00 ANTHR201 Intro Cultural Anthropology 3.00 LGEAC-004 Cultural Traditions-AC 3.00 ANTHR202 Intro to Bio Anthropology 3.00 LGEAC-004 Cultural Traditions-AC 3.00 ARCH321 History of the American City 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 ARTED211 Intro to Art Education 3.00 L.EDU-234 C/I in Visual Arts: Integrated 1.00 ASTRO106 Earth Sci & Space for Edu Maj 2.00 Elective Credit 2.00 ASTRO106L Earth Sci & Space for Edu Lab 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 ASTRO120 The Sky and the Solar System 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 ASTRO120 The Sky and the Solar System 3.00 L.PHY-208 Astronomy-AH 4.00 ASTRO125L The Sky and the Solar Syst-Lab 1.00 ATR217 Clinical Practicum in AT I 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 ATR218 Orientation to AT Clincial 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 ATR219 Anatomy Clinical Practicum 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 ATR220 Basic Athletic Training 2.00 Elective Credit 2.00 ATR221 Pre AT Clinical Practicum 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 ATR222 Basic Athletic Training 3.00 L.ATR-275 Athletic Training Skills 3.00 BBMB102 Intro to Biochemistry Lab 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 BBMB301 Survey of Biochemistry 3.00 L.CHE-335 Introductory Biochemistry 3.00 BIOL101 Introductory Biol 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 BIOL155 Human Biology 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 BIOL211 Prin of Biology I 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 BIOL211 Prin of Biology I 3.00 L.BIO-115 Principles of Biology I-ES 4.00 BIOL211L Prin of Biology I Lab 1.00 BIOL212 Principles of Biology II 3.00 L.BIO-116 Principles of Biology II 4.00 BIOL212L Principles of Biology II Lab 1.00 BIOL255 Fund Human Anatomy 3.00 L.BIO-226 Human Anatomy & Physiology II 4.00 BIOL255L Fund Human Anat Lab 1.00 BIOL256 Fund Human Physiology 3.00 L.BIO-225 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 4.00 BIOL256L Fund Human Phys Lab 1.00 BIOL313 Principles of Genetics 3.00 L.BIO-250 Genetics 4.00 BIOL313L Principles of Genetics Lab 1.00 BUSAD102 Expanded Orientation 1.00 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 BUSAD203 Bus Careers & Employment Prep 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 BUSAD250 Intro to Business 3.00 L.BUS-110 Introduction to Business 3.00 CE111 Fund of Surveying I 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 CE160 Eng Prob Cmput Lab 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 CE170 Civil Engr Graphics 2.00 Elective Credit 2.00 CHEM163 College Chemistry 4.00 Elective Credit 5.00 CHEM163L General Chemistry Lab 1.00 CHEM177 General Chemistry 4.00 L.CHE-111 General Chemistry I 4.00 CHEM177L Lab in General Chem 1.00 CHEM178 General Chemistry II 3.00 L.CHE-112 General Chemistry II 4.00 CHEM178L Lab in General Chem II 1.00 CHEM331 Organic Chemistry 3.00 L.CHE-233 Organic Chemistry I 4.00 CI201 Learning Tech in Pk-6 Class 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 CI202 Digital Learning in 7-12 Class 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 CI204 Social Found. of Ed in U.S. 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 CI245 Stratagies in Teaching 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 CI302 Prin of Learning With Tech 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 CI407 Prin of Distance Learning 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 CI454 Emerging Topics Learning Tech 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 CJST240 Intro to US CJ System 3.00 L.CRJ-120 Introduction to Criminal Justice 3.00 CJST241 Youth and Crime 3.00 L.CRJ-320 Juvenile Delinq & Justice 3.00 CJST320 American Judicial Process 3.00 L.POL-301 Constitutional Law: Federal Powers 3.00 CLST273 Greek & Roman Mythology 3.00 L.GRS-110 Classical Mythology 3.00 COM107 App Computer Program 3.00 L.CIT-110 Principles of Computing & IT 3.00 COM227 Intro to Objected-Orien Prog 4.00 L.CIT-115 Introduction to Programming 4.00 COMS113 Intro to Spreadsheets & Data 3.00 L.CIT-110 Principles of Computing & IT 3.00 COMS127X Intro Prob Slv Prog 4.00 Elective Credit 4.00 COMST317 Small Group Communication 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 CONE122 Orient to Pro Life 1.00 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 CONE222 Contractr Org & Mgt 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 CONE241 Constr Matls & Mth 3.00 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 CONE251 Mech/Elec Mtrls & Mth 1.00 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 CPRE185 Intro Problm Solv I 3.00 L.CIT-110 Computing & Info Tech Basics 3.00 CPRE186 Intro Problm Solv II 1.00 CPRE186 Intro to Problem Soving II 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 DSN102 Design Studio 4.00 Elective Credit 4.00 DSN131 Design Representation 4.00 Elective Credit 3.00 DSN183 Design Cultures 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 ECON101 Prin Microeconomics 3.00 L.ECO-221 Prin of Microeconomics-QR 3.00 ECON102 Principles of Macroeconomics 3.00 L.ECO-222 Prin of Macroeconomics-QR 3.00 EDUC204 Social Found in Secondary Edu 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 EM274 Stats of Engineering 3.00 L.EGR-231 Engineering Statics 3.00 EM324 Mechanics of Materials 3.00 L.EGR-236 Properties & Mechanics of Materials 3.00 ENGL104 First-Year Composition I 3.00 L.ENG-105 College Writing-WC 3.00 ENGL150 Critical Thinking & Comm 3.00 L.ENG-111 Critical Writing-FW 3.00 ENGL207 Intro to Creative Writing 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 ENGL250 Written, Oral, Visual & Electr 3.00 L.ENG-105 College Writing-WC 3.00 ENGL302 Business Communication 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 ENGR160 Engr Probs With Comp Apps Lab 3.00 L.EGR-105 Intro to EGR Design-EC 3.00 ENGR170 Engr Graphis & Intro Dsgn 3.00 L.EGR-106 Introduction to Engineering II 3.00 ENVS101 Environmental Geology 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 FIN301 Principles of Finance 3.00 L.BUS-350 Managerial Finance 3.00 FIN310 Corporate Finance 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 FRNCH101 Elementary French I 4.00 Elective Credit 4.00 FRNCH102 Elementary French II 4.00 Elective Credit 4.00 FSHN101 Food & the Consumer 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 FSHN102X Sport Performance Nutrition 1.00 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 FSHN110 Professnl & Educ Prep 1.00 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 FSHN167 Intro to Human Nutrition 3.00 L.KIN-145 Nutrition 3.00 FSHN367 Medical Terminology 1.00 L.ATR-250 Medical Term. & Pharmacology 1.00 GEOL101 Environmental Geology 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 GEOL103 Age of Dinosaurs 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 HDFS183 Personal Finance Early Adult 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 HDFS276 Human Sexuality 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 HDFS367 Abuse and Illness in Famalies 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 HIST201 Intro to Western Civ I 3.00 L.HIS-140 Europe To 1750 3.00 HIST202 Intro to Western Civ II 3.00 L.HIS-141 Modern Europe Since 1750 3.00 HIST221 Survey U.S. Hist I 3.00 L.HIS-121 United States History to 1877 3.00 HS105 First Aid & Emerg Care 2.00 Elective Credit 2.00 HS110 Personal and Consumer Health 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 HS215 Drug Education 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 INTST235 Intro to International Studies 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 JLMC101 Mass Media & Society 3.00 L.COM-131 Intro Mass Communication 3.00 KIN252 Kinesiology Professn 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 KIN253 Orientation in Kinesiology 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 KIN258 Phys Fitness & Cond 2.00 Elective Credit 2.00 KIN259 Ldrshp Tech Fitness 2.00 Elective Credit 2.00 LAS101 Orientation 0.50 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 LIB160 Intro College Level Research 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 MAT165 Calculus I 4.00 L.MAT-150 Calc of One Variable I-FM 4.00 MAT214 Structural Chara of Materials 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 MATE211 Intro to Materials Sci & Engr 5.00 Elective Credit 4.00 MATE311 Thermo in Materials Engr 3.00 L.EGR-334 Thermodynamics 3.00 MATE316 Compu Methods in Materials 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 MATE321 Intro to Ceramic Science 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 MATE351 Intro to Polymeric Materials 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 MATH104 Intro to Probability 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 MATH140 College Algebra 3.00 L.MAT-113 College Algebra-FM 3.00 MATH142 Trig & Analytic Geometry 3.00 L.MAT-117 Pre-Calculus-FM 4.00 MATH143 Prep for Calculus 4.00 L.MAT-117 Pre-Calculus-FM 4.00 MATH145 Applied Trigonometry 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 MATH150 Disc Math Bus & Soc S 3.00 L.MAT-124 Finite Mathematics-FM 3.00 MATH151 Bus & Soc Science Calculus 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 MATH160 Survey of Calculus 4.00 L.MAT-150 Calc of One Variable I-FM 4.00 MATH165 Calculus I 4.00 L.MAT-150 Calc of One Variable I-FM 4.00 MATH181 Calc & Diff Eq for Life Sci 4.00 LGEFM-004 Foundational Mathematics-FM 0.00 Elective Credit 4.00 MATH182 Calc & Diff Eq for Life Sci 2 4.00 LGEFM-004 Foundational Mathematics-FM 0.00 Elective Credit 4.00 MATH195 Math for Elem Education I 3.00 L.MAT-110 CBL:Math for K-8 Teachers I 4.00 MATH196 Math for Elem Education 3.00 L.MAT-111 Math for K-8 Teachers II-QR 4.00 MATH201 Introduction to Proofs 3.00 L.MAT-230 Discrete Mathematics 3.00 MATH265 Calculus III 4.00 L.MAT-260 Multivariable Calculus 4.00 MATH266 Elem Diff Equatns 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 MATH267 Elem Diffl Equations & Laplace 4.00 L.MAT-310 Ordinary Differential Equations 0.00 Elective Credit 4.00 ME231 Engr Thermodynams I 3.00 L.EGR-334 Thermodynamics 0.00 Elective Credit 3.00 MGMT371 Organizational Behavior 3.00 L.BUS-331 Organizational Behavior 3.00 MICRO201 Intro to Microbiology 2.00 Elective Credit 2.00 MTEOR107 Severe & Hzrd Weather 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 MTEOR206 Intro to Weather & Climat 3.00 LGEAH-004 Humanity in Phys Univ-AH 0.00 Elective Credit 3.00 MUSIC102 Intro to Music Listening 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 MUSIC141 Lyrica Womens Choir 1.00 L.MUS-185 Bella Voce 1.00 MUSIC151B Statesmen Mns Choir 1.00 L.MUS-186 Con Brio 1.00 NREM120 Intro to Renewable Resources 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 PHIL201 Intro to Philosophy 3.00 L.PHI-110 Intro to Philosophy-EI 3.00 PHIL207 Intro to Symbolic Logic 3.00 L.PHI-150 Logic 3.00 PHIL230 Moral Theor & Prctce 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 PHIL235 Eth Iss Diverse Soc 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 PHIL315 18th Cen Philosophy 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 PHIL318 20th & 21st Cent Anglo Am Phil 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 PHIL366 Truth, Belief and Reason 3.00 L.PHI-331 Knowledge Truth & Reality 3.00 PHYS111 General Physics 5.00 L.PHY-210 Elements Physics I-QR 4.00 L.PHY-290 Physics Lab I-QR 0.00 PHYS222 Intro to Classical Physics II 5.00 L.PHY-224 Physics Scientist/Engineer II 5.00 POLS215 Intr Americ Governm 3.00 L.POL-101 Issue American Politics-EI 3.00 POLS251 Intro Internatl Pol 3.00 L.POL-121 Issues in Global Politics-EI 3.00 POLS357 International Security Policy 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 PR220 Principles of Public Relations 3.00 L.COM-201 Strategic Communication 3.00 PSYCH101 Intro to Psychology 3.00 L.PSY-101 Introductory Psychology 3.00 PSYCH131 Academic Learning Skills 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 PSYCH230 Developmental Psych 3.00 L.PSY-121 Developmental Psychology 3.00 PSYCH280 Social Psychology 3.00 L.PSY-244 Social Psychology 3.00 PSYCH360 Normal Personality 3.00 L.PSY-225 Personality-AI 3.00 RELIG205 Intro to World Religion 3.00 L.REL-210 World Religions: An Introduction 3.00 RELIG210 Religion in America 3.00 LGEAI-004 Identity & Community-AI 3.00 RELIG242 Christianity Beg-Reform 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 RELIG280 Intro to Catholicism 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 RELIG340 Catholic Social Thought 3.00 L.REL-271 Catholic Social Teachings 3.00 RELIG358 Introduction to Islam 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 RELIG370 Religion and Politics 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 RUS101 Elementary Russian I 4.00 Elective Credit 4.00 RUS370 Russian Studies in English 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 RUS375 Russia Today 3.00 L.HIS-249 Russian Civilization-AC 3.00 SOC134 Intro to Sociology 3.00 L.SOC-115 Intro to Sociology-EI 3.00 SOC202 Introduction to Research Metho 3.00 L.SOC-332 Research Methods/Methodology 0.00 Elective Credit 3.00 SOC219 Sociology of Intimate Relation 3.00 L.SOC-227 Sociology of Family 3.00 SOC241 Youth and Crime 3.00 L.CRJ-320 Juvenile Delinq & Justice 3.00 SOC302 Research Methods in Social Sci 3.00 L.SOC-365 Res. Methods & Data Analysis 4.00 SOC331 Social Class & Inequality 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 SOC340 Deviant & Criminal Behavior 3.00 L.SOC-200 Deviance & Deviants 3.00 SOC348 Global Poverty Sustainable Dev 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 SPAN101 Elementary Spanish 4.00 Elective Credit 4.00 SPAN303B Spanish Conv & Comp for Prof 3.00 L.SPA-335 Advanced Spanish for the Professions 3.00 SPAN314 Textual & Media Analysis 3.00 L.SPA-360 Major Writers 3.00 SPCM212 Fundam of Public Speaking 3.00 L.COM-110 Oral Comm as Critical Inquiry 3.00 SPED250 Education of Exceptional Learn 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 STAT101 Prin of Statistics 4.00 L.MAT-115 Statistics-QR 4.00 STAT104 Intro to Statistics 3.00 L.MAT-115 Statistics-QR 4.00 STAT105 Intro Stat for Engr 3.00 L.MAT-115 Statistics-QR 3.00 STAT226 Intr Busines Stat I 3.00 L.MAT-115 Statistics-QR 4.00 STAT326 Intro to Business Stats II 3.00 L.BUS-250 Business Statistics 3.00 STAT401 Stat Meth for Rsrch 4.00 L.BIO-279 Experimental Design & Biostatistics-AH 3.00 STAT402 Stat Design & Expermt 3.00 WGS201 Intro to Women & Gender Studie 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 WS201 Intro to Women's Studies 3.00 LGEAI-004 Identity & Community-AI 3.00
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