Loras College Unofficial Transfer Equivalencies
for Benedictine University
BENEDICTINE UNIVERSITY COURSE & CREDITS LORAS COLLEGE COURSE & CREDITS ACCT111 Accounting I 3.00 L.ACC-228 Financial Accounting 3.00 ACCT1111 Accounting I 3.00 L.ACC-228 Financial Accounting 3.00 ACCT1112 Accounting II 3.00 L.ACC-227 Managerial Accounting 3.00 ACCT112 Accounting II 3.00 L.ACC-227 Managerial Accounting 3.00 BIOL108 Prin of Biology 3.00 L.BIO-115 Principles of Biology I-ES 4.00 BIOL109 Prin of Biology Lab 1.00 BIOL198 Principles of Biology 3.00 L.BIO-115 Principles of Biology I-ES 4.00 BIOL199 Principles of Biology Lab 1.00 BIOL208 General Microbiology 4.00 L.BIO-220 Microbiology 4.00 BIOL258 Human Physiology 4.00 Elective Credit 4.00 CHEM1101 Introduction to Chemistry 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 CHEM113 General Chemistry I 3.00 L.CHE-111 General Chemistry I 4.00 CHEM114 Gen Chemistry I Lab 1.00 CMSC100 Intro to PC Software Appl 3.00 L.CIT-110 Computing & Info Tech Basics 3.00 COMM1110 Speech Communication 3.00 L.COM-110 Oral Comm as Critical Inquiry 3.00 COMM208 Layout & Design for Publicatio 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 COMM209 Newswriting-Reporting 3.00 L.COM-280 News Analysis 3.00 COMM254 Writing for Electronic Media 3.00 L.COM-225 Media Writing 3.00 ECON101 Prin of Macroeconomics 3.00 L.ECO-222 Prin of Macroeconomics-QR 3.00 ECON102 Prin of Microeconomics 3.00 L.ECO-221 Prin of Microeconomics-QR 3.00 ECON2101 Prin of Macroeconomics 3.00 L.ECO-222 Prin of Macroeconomics-QR 3.00 FNAR100 Art Appreciation 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 HIST1111 American History to 1865 3.00 L.HIS-121 United States History to 1877 3.00 HUMN220 The Mediterranean World 3.00 LGEAC-004 Cultural Traditions-AC 0.00 Elective Credit 3.00 HUMN230 Baptism of Europe 3.00 LGEAI-004 Identity & Community-AI 0.00 Elective Credit 3.00 HUMN250 Contemporary World 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 LITR2291 Topics in Literature 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 LITR266 Studies in the Novel 3.00 L.ENG-232 The Novel-AA 3.00 MATH105 Finite Mathamatics 3.00 L.MAT-124 Finite Mathematics-FM 4.00 MATH1111 College Trigonometry 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 MATH115 Business Calculus 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 MGT100 Management 3.00 L.BUS-230 Principles of Management 3.00 MGT1150 Business Statistics I 3.00 L.BUS-250 Business Statistics 3.00 MGT150 Business Statistics I 3.00 L.BUS-250 Business Statistics 3.00 MGT210 Management 3.00 L.BUS-230 Principles of Management 3.00 MGT2235 Business Law I 3.00 L.BUS-317 Business Law I 3.00 MGT251 Business Statistics II 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 MGT330 Human Resource Management 3.00 L.BUS-335 Human Resource Management 3.00 MKTG300 Marketing 3.00 L.BUS-240 Principles of Marketing 3.00 NUTR100 Impact of Nutrition 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 PHED257 Wellness 2.00 L.KIN-210 Concepts of Wellness 3.00 PHIL1120 Ancient Philosophy 3.00 L.PHI-320 Ancient Philosophy 3.00 PHIL235 Modern Philosophy 3.00 L.PHI-222 Modern Philosophy 3.00 PHIL245 General Ethics 3.00 L.PHI-301 Foundational Ethics 3.00 PLSC102 American Government 3.00 L.POL-101 Issue American Politics-EI 3.00 PLSC2105 Law and Politics 3.00 L.POL-233 Jurisprudence 3.00 PSYC150 Statistics I 3.00 L.PSY-211 Research Methods & Statistics I 3.00 PSYC200 Childhood & Adolescence 3.00 L.PSY-121 Developmental Psychology 3.00 PSYC202 Adulthood & Aging 3.00 L.PSY-323 Psych of Adulthood & Aging 3.00 PSYC220 Personality 3.00 L.PSY-225 Personality-AI 3.00 PSYC251 Advanced Statistics 3.00 L.PSY-212 Research Methods & Statistics II 3.00 PSYC300 Abnormal Psychology 3.00 L.PSY-221 Abnormal Psychology 3.00 PSYC302 Psychotherapy 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 PSYC354 Behavior Modification/Lab 4.00 Elective Credit 3.00 RELS120 Eastern Religious Tradition 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 RELS285 Religion in America 3.00 L.REL-316 Pilgrims in Their Own Land-AI 0.00 Elective Credit 3.00 RHET101 Argumentative Writing 3.00 L.ENG-105 College Writing-WC 3.00 RHET102 Research Writing 3.00 L.ENG-105 College Writing-WC 3.00 RHET103 Person in Community: Writing 3.00 L.ENG-105 College Writing-WC 3.00 SOCL100 Prin of Sociology 3.00 L.SOC-115 Intro to Sociology-EI 3.00 SOCL213 Health Aspects of Aging 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 SPCH110 Speech Communication 3.00 L.COM-110 Oral Comm as Critical Inquiry 3.00 L.LIB-110 Public Speaking-FS 0.00 WRIT1101 Writing Colloquium 3.00 L.ENG-105 College Writing-WC 3.00 WRIT1102 Research Writing 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00
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