Loras College Admission

Loras College Unofficial Transfer Equivalencies
for Central College


ANTH120         Intro to Cultural Anthropology     3.00       LGEAC-004    Cultural Traditions-AC                       3.00
ART151          2D Problem Solving                 4.00       FEVEC-004    Creativity,Aesth.&Design-EC                  4.00
ART270          Book Arts: Trad Structures         4.00                    Elective Credit                              4.00
ART720L         Art in London                      3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
BIOL130         Diversity of Life With Lab         4.00                    Elective Credit                              4.00
BIOL131         Introduction to Cells With Lab     4.00                    Elective Credit                              4.00
BMGT271         Principles of Marketing            3.00       L.BUS-240    Principles of Marketing                      3.00
COLL104         Intro to Colege Success            1.00                    Elective Credit                              1.00
COLL110         Intersections                      3.00       L.LIB-100    MOI: Modes of Inquiry-FI                     3.00
COMM160         Fund of Human Communication        3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
COMM262         Interpersonal Communication        3.00       L.COM-255    Interpersonal Communication-AI               3.00
COMM270         Public Speaking                    3.00       L.LIB-110    Public Speaking-FS                           3.00
COMM276         Communicating Heath & Illness      3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
CRCL620W        Over Here: Wales/Welsh Culture     3.00       LGEAC-004    Cultural Traditions-AC                       3.00
CRCL790L        Aspects of UK Life                 3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
ECON113         Principles of Macroeconomics       3.00       L.ECO-222    Prin of Macroeconomics-QR                    3.00
EDUC110         Foundations of Education           3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
EDUC135         Children With Exceptionalities     3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
EDUC181         Developmantal Psychology           3.00       L.PSY-121    Lifespan Development                         3.00
EDUC497L        Internship: Education              6.00                    Elective Credit                              6.00
ENGL100         Reading & Writing Strategies       4.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
ENGL101         Composition                        3.00       L.ENG-105    College Writing-WC                           3.00
ENGL120         Intro to Literature                3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
ENGL213         Nature Writing & Env Lit           3.00       L.ENG-380    Nature Writing                               3.00
ENTR215         The Entrepreneurial Mindset        3.00       L.BUS-333    Entrepreneurial Experience                   3.00
ENVS120         Intro to Environmantal Science     4.00       FEVES-004    Scientific Inq&Innovation-ES                 4.00
EXSC111         Human Anatomy & Physiology         4.00       L.BIO-225    Human Anatomy & Physiology I                 4.00
EXSC149         Found of Health & Exer Sci         3.00       L.KIN-101    Introduction to Kinesiology & Health Sci     3.00
EXSC151         First Aid & Sports Injuries        3.00       L.ATR-140    First Aid & Emergency Care                   3.00
EXSC220         Personal Wellness                  3.00       L.KIN-210    Concepts of Wellness                         3.00
EXSC254         Human Anatomy & Kinesiology        4.00       L.BIO-225    Human Anatomy & Physiology I                 4.00
EXSC257         Fitness Assesment & Exer Persc     4.00       L.KIN-370    Fitness Assessment and Prescription          3.00
EXSC261         Comm, Consumer, Global Health      3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
EXSC334         Sprots Nutrition                   4.00       L.KIN-291    Sports Nutrition-AH                          3.00
EXSC342         Outdoor Pursuits                   3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
EXSC461         Exercise Physiology Lab            2.00                    Elective Credit                              2.00
EXSC620W        Outdoor Pursuits                   3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
FREN121         Beginning French I                 4.00                    Elective Credit                              4.00
FREN710F        French Grammar & Civiliation       3.00                    Elective Credit                              2.00
FREN711F        French Lang: Intermediate I        7.00                    Elective Credit                              6.00
GENR104         Intro to College Success           1.00                    Elective Credit                              1.00
HIST130         US History to 1877                 3.00       L.HIS-121    United States History to 1877                3.00
HIST131         United States Since 1877           3.00       L.HIS-122    United States Since 1865                     3.00
HIST275         Histroy of Modern Japan            4.00       L.HIS-272    Japan in the Modern World-AI                 3.00
HIST797L        Internship: History                6.00                    Elective Credit                              6.00
LAS110          Intersections                      4.00                    Elective Credit                              4.00
NASC120         Intro to Env Lecture/Lab           4.00       LGEAH-004    Humanity in Phys Univ-AH                     4.00
PHIL120         Introduction to Philosophy         3.00       L.PHI-110    Intro to Philosophy-EI                       3.00
PHIL121         Ethics                             3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
PHIL127         Meaning of Life                    3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
PHIL270         Philosophy of Art                  4.00                    Elective Credit                              4.00
PHYS101         Intro Physics With Lab             4.00                    Elective Credit                              4.00
POLS140         Intro to International Politic     4.00       L.POL-121    Issues in Global Politics-EI                 3.00
POLS190L        Constitutional Law                 3.00       L.POL-301    Constitutional Law: Federal Powers           3.00
POLS242         Global Sustainability Politics     4.00                    Elective Credit                              4.00
POLS497L        Internship: Political Science      6.00                    Elective Credit                              6.00
PSYC122         General Psychology                 3.00       L.PSY-101    Introductory Psychology                      3.00
PSYC220         Psychological Investigations       4.00                    Elective Credit                              4.00
PSYC231         Psychopathology                    3.00       L.PSY-227    Culture & Psychopathology-AC                 3.00
PSYC382         Child & Adolescent Development     3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
REL216          Jesus and the Gospels              3.00       L.RST-110    Jesus & Gospels-EI                           3.00
REL250          American Religious Thought         3.00       L.REL-316    Pilgrims in Their Own Land-AI                3.00
SOC120          Principles of Sociology            3.00       L.SOC-115    Intro to Sociology-EI                        3.00
SOC248          Statistics for Sociologists        4.00       L.SOC-365    Res. Methods & Data Analysis                 4.00
THEA150         Acting                             3.00       L.COM-121    Acting-EC                                    3.00
THEA345L        Intro to British Theatre           4.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00


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