Loras College Admission

Loras College Unofficial Transfer Equivalencies
for Indian Hills Community College


ACC152          Financial Accounting               4.00       L.ACC-228    Financial Accounting                         3.00
ACC156          Managerial Accounting              4.00       L.ACC-227    Managerial Accounting                        3.00
ACC311          Computer Accounting                3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
ART133          Drawing                            3.00       LGEAA-002    Aesthetic Dimension-AA                       3.00
ART140          Painting                           2.00                    Elective Credit                              2.00
ART145          Water Color                        3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
ART170          Ceramics                           2.00                    Elective Credit                              2.00
ART171          Ceramics II                        2.00                    Elective Credit                              2.00
ART172          Ceramics III                       2.00                    Elective Credit                              2.00
ART184          Photography                        3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
BIO101          Introductory Biology               2.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
BIO103          Introductory Biology Lab           1.00
BIO161          Basic Anat/Phys                    3.00                    Elective Credit                              4.00
BIO199          Basic Anat/Phys Lab                1.00
BIO175          Human Aantomy                      3.00                    Elective Credit                              4.00
BIO 176         Human Anatomy Lab                  1.00
BIO949          Special Topics                     1.00                    Elective Credit                              1.00
BUS102          Introduction to Business           3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
BUS128          Found to Entrepreneurship          3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
CLS175          Native American Studies            3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
COM149          Mass Media Analysis                3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
CSC110          Intro to Computers                 3.00       L.CIT-110    Computing & Info Tech Basics                 3.00
DRA180          Theatre Lab I                      1.00                    Elective Credit                              1.00
ECE133          Child Hlth, Safety & Nutrition     3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
ECE158          Ealry Childhood Cirriculum I       3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
ECE263          EC Field Experience I              1.50                    Elective Credit                              1.00
ECN110          Introduction to Economics          3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
ECN120          Principles of Macroeconomics       3.00       L.ECO-222    Prin of Macroeconomics-QR                    3.00
ECN130          Principles of Microeconomics       3.00       L.ECO-221    Prin of Microeconomics-QR                    3.00
EDU213          Introduction to Education          3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
EDU235          Children's Literature              3.00       L.EDU-230    Children & Young Adult Lit-AA                3.00
EDU255          Technology in the Classroom        3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
EDU282          Field Experience: Pre K Elem       1.00                    Elective Credit                              1.00
EGT400          PLTW Intro to Engineering          3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
EGT410          PLTW Princ of Engineering          3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
EGT425          Digital Electronics                3.00       L.CSC-319    Computer Organiz/Architecture                4.00
ELT110          Electronics                        2.00       L.XXX-000    Course Not Transferrable                     0.00
EN231           College Writing II                 3.00       L.LIB-105    College Writing-FW                           3.00
ENG105          Composition 1                      3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
ENG106          Composition II                     3.00       L.ENG-105    College Writing-WC                           3.00
ENV105          Intro to Environmental Science     2.00                    Elective Credit                              2.00
ENV142          Natural Resources                  3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
GEO121          World Regional Geography           3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
HIS110          West Civ: Ancient to Early Mod     3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
HIS111          Western Civ: Modern to Present     3.00       L.HIS-141    Modern Europe Since 1750                     3.00
HIS151          US History to 1877                 3.00       L.HIS-121    United States History to 1877                3.00
HIS152          US History since 1877              3.00       L.HIS-122    United States Since 1865                     3.00
HIT125          Essentials of Health Records       2.00       L.XXX-000    Course Not Transferrable                     0.00
HIT126          Health Records Laboratory          1.00       L.XXX-000    Course Not Transferrable                     0.00
HSC113          Medical Terminology                2.00       L.ATR-250    Medical Term. & Pharmacology                 3.00
HSC141          Pharmaceutical Aplications         1.00
HUM137          Humanities of the Modern World     3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
HUM210          Humanities: Nature of Conflict     3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
LIT101          Intro to Literature                3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
LIT110          American Literature Mid 1800'S     3.00       L.ENG-325    American Literature: 1820-1860               3.00
LIT112          American Lit 1945 to Present       3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
LIT113          Am Lit 1865-1945                   3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
LIT157          Bible As Literature                3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
LIT161          The Short Story                    3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
MAT110          Math for Liberal Arts              3.00       FEVQR-02     Quantitative Reasoning-QR                    3.00
MAT117          Math for Elementary Teachers       3.00       L.MAT-110    CBL:Math for K-8 Teachers I                  3.00
MAT120          College Algebra                    3.00       L.MAT-113    College Algebra-FM                           3.00
MAT125          Precalculus                        3.00       L.MAT-117    Pre-Calculus-FM                              4.00
MAT156          Statistics                         3.00       L.MAT-115    Statistics-QR                                4.00
MAT210          Calculus I                         4.00       L.MAT-150    Calc of One Variable I-FM                    4.00
MAT216          Calculus II                        4.00       L.MAT-160    Calc of One Variable II                      4.00
MAT219          Calculus III                       4.00       L.MAT-260    Multivariable Calculus                       4.00
MGT220          Intro to Sport Management          3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
MKT110          Principles of Marketing            3.00       L.BUS-240    Principles of Marketing                      3.00
MMS241          Public Relations and Marketing     3.00       L.COM-201    Strategic Communication                      3.00
PEC112          Theory of Coaching                 3.00       L.KIN-244    Theory of Coaching                           3.00
PEH115          Wellness                           3.00       L.KIN-210    Concepts of Wellness                         3.00
PEV107          Techniques in Team Sports          1.00       L.KIN-074    Team Sports I                                1.00
PEV108          Techniques of Sports II            1.00                    Elective Credit                              1.00
PEV207          Techniques in Sports III           1.00                    Elective Credit                              1.00
PHI101          Introduction to Philosophy         3.00       L.PHI-110    Intro to Philosophy-EI                       3.00
PHI105          Intro to Ethics                    3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
PHI114          Critical Reasoning                 3.00       L.PHI-101    Critical Reasoning-Prin & Applications       3.00
PHI145          Intro to Ethical Conflicts         3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
PHS184          Intro to Earth Science             2.00                    Elective Credit                              2.00
PHS186          Intro to Earth Science Lab         1.00                    Elective Credit                              1.00
POL111          American National Government       3.00       L.POL-101    Issue American Politics-EI                   3.00
PSY111          Introduction to Psychology         3.00       L.PSY-101    Introductory Psychology                      3.00
PSY112          Psych of Human Relations           3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
PSY121          Developmental Psych                3.00       L.PSY-121    Developmental Psychology                     3.00
PSY223          Child & Adolescent Psychology      3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
PSY241          Abnormal Psychology                3.00       L.PSY-231    Abnormal Psychology                          3.00
PSY251          Social Psychlogy                   3.00       L.PSY-224    Applied Social Psychology-AI                 3.00
PSY281          Educational Psychology             3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
SDV101          Successful College                 3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
SOC110          Intro to Sociology                 3.00       L.SOC-115    Intro to Sociology-EI                        3.00
SOC115          Social Problems                    3.00       L.SOC-216    Social Problems                              3.00
SOC120          Marriage and Family                3.00       L.SOC-227    Sociology of Family                          3.00
SOC135          Death and Dying                    3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
SOC240          Criminology                        3.00       L.CRJ-252    Criminology                                  3.00
SOC280          Social Issues                      3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
SPC101          Fundamentals of Oral Comm          3.00       L.COM-110    Oral Comm as Critical Inquiry                3.00
SPC112          Public Speaking                    3.00       L.COM-110    Oral Comm as Critical Inquiry                3.00
SPC122          Interpersonal Communication        3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
WST101          Women's Studies                    3.00       LGEAI-002    Identity & Community-AI                      3.00


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