Loras College Admission

Loras College Unofficial Transfer Equivalencies
for Marquette University


ACCO30          Prin Financial Accounting          3.00       L.ACC-228    Financial Accounting                         3.00
ACCO31          Prin Managerial Accounting         3.00       L.ACC-227    Managerial Accounting                        3.00
ADVE1400        Advertising Principles             3.00       L.BUS-346    Advertising/Marketing Communications         3.00
BIOL1009        Biology for Non Science Majors     3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
CHEM1           General Chemistry I                4.00       L.CHE-111    General Chemistry I                          4.00
CMST12          Public Speaking                    2.00       L.LIB-110    Public Speaking-FS                           3.00
CMST2000        Intro to Small Group Comm          3.00       L.COM-255    Interpersonal Communication-AI               3.00
CMST53          Argumentation                      3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
COMM1000        Found of Human Comm, Culture       3.00       L.COM-255    Interpersonal Communication-AI               3.00
COMM1100        Contemporary Presentation          3.00       L.LIB-110    Public Speaking-FS                           3.00
CORE1929        Found in Methods of Inquiry        3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
CRLS2100        Juvenile Delinquency & Justice     3.00       L.CRJ-320    Juvenile Delinq & Justice                    3.00
ENGL1           Rhetoric and Composition 1         3.00       L.ENG-105    College Writing-WC                           3.00
ENGL1001        Foundations in Rhetoric            3.00       L.ENG-105    College Writing-WC                           3.00
ENGL1301        Honors English I                   3.00       L.ENG-111    Critical Writing-FW                          3.00
GEEN1200        Engineering Discovery I            3.00       L.EGR-105    Intro to EGR Design-EC                       3.00
HEAL1025        Culture and Health                 3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
HEAL1200        Women's Health                     3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
HIST1001        Growth of Western Civilization     3.00       L.HIS-140    Europe To 1750                               3.00
HIST1101        Intro to Amer Hist                 3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
HIST1501        East Asia                          3.00       LGEAC-004    Cultural Traditions-AC                       3.00
HIST4249        Intellec Hist of Modern Europe     3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
INPS2010        Intro to Peace Studies             3.00       L.REL-115    Introduction to Peace and Justice            3.00
MATH1390        Finite Math                        3.00       L.MAT-124    Finite Mathematics-FM                        3.00
MATH1451        Calculus II                        4.00       L.MAT-160    Calc of One Variable II                      4.00
MEEN2460        Materials Science                  3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
PHIL1000        Logic                              3.00       L.PHI-150    Logic                                        3.00
PHIL1001        Phil of Human Nature               3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
PHIL2310        Theory of Ethics                   3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
PHIL50          Phil of Human Nature               3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
POSC20          American Politics                  3.00       L.POL-101    Issue American Politics-EI                   3.00
POSC2801        Justice and Power                  3.00       LGEAC-004    Cultural Traditions-AC                       0.00
                                                                           Elective Credit                              3.00
PSYC1001        General Psychology                 3.00       L.PSY-101    Introductory Psychology                      3.00
PURE1800        Public Relations Principles        3.00       L.COM-201    Strategic Communication                      3.00
SOCI2200        The Family                         3.00       L.SOC-227    Sociology of Family                          3.00
SOWJ1001        Intro to Social Welfare & Just     3.00       L.SCW-130    Introduction to Social Welfare               3.00
SOWJ2150        Immigrants & Communities           3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00
SOWJ2200        Human Behavior & Social Env        3.00       L.SCW-231    CBL:Human Behav & Soc Envrnmt                3.00
SOWJ3001        Social Welfare Policy & Servic     3.00       L.SCW-344    Social Work Policy                           3.00
SPAN10          Conc Intermed Span                 4.00       L.SPA-220    Intermediate Spanish II                      3.00
SPAN1003        Intensive Intermediate Spanish     4.00       L.SPA-120    Beginning Spanish II                         3.00
THEO1           Intro to Theology                  3.00       L.REL-112    Intro Theology & Rel Studies                 3.00
THEO1001        Intro to Theology                  3.00       L.REL-112    Intro Theology & Rel Studies                 3.00
THEO2400        Christian Discipleship             3.00                    Elective Credit                              3.00


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