Loras College Unofficial Transfer Equivalencies
for Iowa Central Community College
IOWA CENTRAL COMMUNITY COLLEGE COURSE & CREDITS LORAS COLLEGE COURSE & CREDITS ACC102 Workplace Accounting 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 ACC108 Payroll Applications 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 ACC111 Intro to Accounting 3.00 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 ACC142 Financial Accounting 3.00 L.ACC-228 Financial Accounting 3.00 ACC146 Managerial Accounting 3.00 L.ACC-227 Managerial Accounting 3.00 ACC176 Financial Accounting 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 ACC266 Tax Accounting 3.00 L.ACC-455 Federal Income Tax I 3.00 ACC311 Computer Accounting 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 ACC701 Certified Bookeeping Review 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 ADM180 No Transfer Admin Management 3.00 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 ANT105 Cultural Anthropology 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 ART101 Art Appreciation 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 ART133 Drawing 3.00 FEVEC-002 Creativity,Aesth.&Design-EC 3.00 ART151 Design I 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 BIO102 Introductory Biology 3.00 L.BIO-110 Life Science 4.00 BIO103 Introductory Biology Lab 1.00 BIO103 Introductory Biology Lab 1.00 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 BIO105 Introductory Biology 4.00 Elective Credit 4.00 BIO112 General Biology I 4.00 L.BIO-115 Principles of Biology I-ES 4.00 BIO113 General Biology II 4.00 L.BIO-116 Principles of Biology II 4.00 BIO168 Human Anat & Phys I 4.00 L.BIO-225 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 4.00 BIO173 Human Anat & Phys II 4.00 L.BIO-226 Human Anatomy & Physiology II 4.00 BPT104 Intro to Biotechnology 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 BUS102 Intro to Business 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 BUS130 Intro to Entrepreneurship 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 BUS150 Intro to Computers 3.00 L.CIT-110 Computing & Info Tech Basics 3.00 BUS161 Human Relations 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 CLS141 Middle East Hist & Culture 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 CLS150 Latin American Hist & Culture 3.00 LGEAC-002 Cultural Traditions-AC 3.00 COM142 Mass Media Writing 3.00 L.COM-225 Media Writing 3.00 CRJ100 Intro to Criminal Justice 3.00 L.CRJ-120 Introduction to Criminal Justice 3.00 CRJ110 Patrol Procedures 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 CRJ130 Criminal Law 3.00 L.CRJ-224 Criminal Law 3.00 CRJ133 Constitutional Criminal Proc 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 CRJ141 Criminal Investigation 3.00 L.CRJ-300 Criminal Investigation 3.00 CRJ152 Defensive Tactics 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 CRJ160 Intro to Forensic Investigatio 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 CRJ200 Criminology 3.00 L.CRJ-252 Criminology 3.00 CRJ201 Juvenile Delinquency 3.00 L.CRJ-320 Juvenile Delinq & Justice 0.00 Elective Credit 3.00 CRJ206 Terrorism Response 3.00 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 CRJ300 Perspectives Homeland Security 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 CSC110 Introduction to Computers 3.00 L.CIT-110 Principles of Computing & IT 3.00 DRA101 Intro to Theatre 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 DRA130 Acting I 3.00 L.COM-121 Acting-EC 3.00 ECN120 Prin of Macroeconomics 3.00 L.ECO-222 Prin of Macroeconomics-QR 3.00 ECN130 Prin of Microeconomics 3.00 L.ECO-221 Prin of Microeconomics-QR 3.00 EDU100 The College Experience 1.00 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 EDU213 Introduction to Education 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 EDU255 Technology in the Classroom 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 ELE111 AC Fundamentals 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 ELE114 DC Fundamentals 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 ELE124 Tools/Adapters/Intrumentation 2.00 Elective Credit 2.00 ELE155 National Electric Code I 2.00 Elective Credit 2.00 ENG101 Elements of Writing 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 ENG105 Composition I 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 ENG106 Composition II 3.00 L.ENG-105 College Writing-WC 3.00 ENG221 Creative Writing 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 FLS141 Elementary Spanish I 4.00 L.SPA-110 Beginning Spanish I 3.00 GEO121 World Regional Geography 3.00 LGEAC-002 Cultural Traditions-AC 3.00 HIS151 U.S. History to 1877 3.00 L.HIS-121 United States History to 1877 3.00 HIS152 U.S. History Since 1877 3.00 L.HIS-122 United States Since 1865 3.00 HIS251 US History 1945 to Present 3.00 L.HIS-122 United States Since 1865 3.00 HSC104 Intro to Health Care 2.00 Elective Credit 2.00 HSC113 Medical Terminology 2.00 L.ATR-250 Medical Term. & Pharmacology 1.00 HUM113 Exploring the Humanities 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 HUM185 Technology & Social Change 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 JOU121 Newswriting & Reporting 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 L.PHI-145 Intro to Ethical Conflicts 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 LIT101 Intro to Literature 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 MAT063 Elementary Algebra 4.00 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 MAT114 Math for Liberal Arts 4.00 FEVQR-02 Quantitative Reasoning-QR 4.00 MAT117 Math for Elementary Teachers 3.00 L.MAT-110 Math for Elem Teachers I 3.00 MAT120 College Algebra 3.00 L.MAT-113 College Algebra-FM 3.00 MAT125 Princ of Stat 1 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 MAT126 Princ of Stat 2 3.00 L.MAT-115 Statistics-QR 3.00 MAT127 College Algebra & Trig 5.00 L.MAT-113 College Algebra-FM 3.00 MAT130 Trigonometry 3.00 LGEFM-002 Foundational Mathematics-FM 0.00 Elective Credit 3.00 MAT156 Statistics 3.00 L.MAT-115 Statistics-QR 3.00 MAT157 Statistics 4.00 L.MAT-115 Statistics-QR 4.00 MAT158 Statistics II 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 MAT210 Calculus I 4.00 L.MAT-150 Calc of One Variable I-FM 4.00 MAT216 Calculus II 4.00 L.MAT-160 Calc of One Variable II 4.00 MAT219 Calculus III 4.00 L.MAT-260 Multivariable Calculus 4.00 MAT221 Calculus III 2.00 Elective Credit 2.00 MAT226 Diffrntl Equations W/Laplace 3.00 L.MAT-310 Ordinary Differential Equations 0.00 Elective Credit 3.00 MGT101 Prin of Management 3.00 L.BUS-230 Principles of Management 3.00 MMS101 Mass Media 3.00 L.COM-131 Media and Society-EI 3.00 MMS241 Public Relations & Marketing 3.00 L.COM-201 Strategic Communication 3.00 MUS104 Exploring Music 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 PEC107 Sports and Society 2.00 L.SMG-240 Sport and Society 3.00 PEC110 Coaching Ethic, Tech & Theory 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 PEC111 Tech and Theort of Coaching 2.00 L.KIN-244 Theory of Coaching 3.00 PEC115 Athletic Dev & Human Growth 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 PEC121 Body Structure & Function 2.00 Elective Credit 2.00 PEC123 Anatomy for Coaching 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 PEC127 Care & Prev of Athletic Injury 2.00 Elective Credit 2.00 PEC152 Tech Theory Coaching Football 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 PED132 Struc of Hm Body 2.00 Elective Credit 2.00 PED134 Basic Athletic Training 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 PED140 Tech Thry Coaching 2.00 Elective Credit 2.00 PEH141 First Aid 2.00 Elective Credit 2.00 PEH185 Contemp Health Issues 3.00 L.KIN-210 Concepts of Wellness 3.00 PET105 Basic Athletic Training 3.00 L.ATR-130 Prevention of Athletic Injuries 3.00 PEV101 Varsity Sports Conditioning 1.00 L.XXX-000 Course Not Transferrable 0.00 PHI145 Intro to Ethical Conflicts 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 POL111 Amer Nat Gov 3.00 L.POL-101 Issue American Politics-EI 3.00 POL112 American State/Local Govt 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 PSY111 Intro to Psychology 3.00 L.PSY-101 Introductory Psychology 3.00 PSY121 Developmental Psychology 3.00 L.PSY-121 Developmental Psychology 3.00 PSY151 General Psychology 3.00 L.PSY-101 Introductory Psychology 3.00 PSY181 Human Growth & Development 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 PSY222 Child Psychology 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 PSY251 Social Psychology 3.00 L.PSY-344 Personality & Social Psychology 3.00 PSY949 Psychology Special Topics 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 REL105 Intro to World Religions 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 SDV108 The College Experience 1.00 Elective Credit 1.00 SOC110 Introduction to Sociology 3.00 L.SOC-115 Intro to Sociology-EI 3.00 SOC115 Social Problems 3.00 L.SOC-216 Social Problems 3.00 SPC101 Fund Oral Communication 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 SPC112 Public Speaking 3.00 L.COM-110 Oral Comm as Critical Inquiry 3.00 SPC122 Interpersonal Communication 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00 SPC132 Group Communication 3.00 Elective Credit 3.00
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